Friday, November 26, 2010

Setting up Artfire store

Yes, I finally did it. I am setting up my Artfire store- the name is Twisted Cherry Designs. Here is the new logo

It will be a store of Handcrafted items of all kinds: paper crafting, scrapbooking supplies, premade albums and layouts, cards, fabric projects small and large, knitting/crochet and other things I can think of.  I have set quite a few categories, some may stay empty until things are finished up, but please keep checking back.

I will be starting out small with simple items. There will be some things you may recognize and I will make note of this again in other posts.  I am VERY aware of copyright infringements, so I call and get permissions if necessary and written/verbal oks for anything that I am not sure on.  Many companies offer Angel policies and even  with those I call or email to clarify the details.

So hopefully sometime this upcoming week the things will start loading and I will enable and announce the opening.  I hope you will all check out the store then and during the upcoming months to see whats new.
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