Friday, March 13, 2009

Ruffled knitted scarf -Finally

I promised this photo back in late November. This stuff is nifty, its like a woven bias tape. This one is varigated, but most are split with color. So one is black on one edge and white on another, or light purple on one edge or dark purple on the other, so you decide which would be showing most. In this case it was varigated, so all the color shows up. I may do another for my daughter and thought it would make a delightful little purse.

I used 5 skeins, I think 3 or so may be fine for many. I am tall and I like my scarves to hang to my hip joint and when I wrap it I want the end to hang down longer than my chest.

This was at the Joann's in my area, so it more than likely is at others, and the instructions that come are horrid. You need to go to the joanns web site, and put in the name of the yarn, there is a video clip that is excellent.
Thank you for looking!

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1 comment:

Susie's Site said...

WOW love this scarf!!!!